Sermorelin Injections

Sermorelin Acetate is an HGH Boosting Peptide.

Sermorelin Acetate is a peptide hormone treatment known as a secretagogue which induces secretion of Human Growth Hormone. For this reason Sermorelin is known as a growth hormone releasing agent.

HGH  is produced by the pituitary gland in the brain and is directly responsible for growth in childhood and  for maintaining, repairing and healing tissues and organs in adulthood. In middle age, however, Human Growth Hormone secretion from the pituitary gland starts to decline reducing the amount of natural growth hormone it produces. This natural decline has prompted endocrine medical professionals to use human growth hormone, also known as Somatropin to  replace lost or deficient levels of the hormone due to aging.

Why is Sermorelin prescribed? In cases where a patient cannot take somatropin, HRT doctors have an effective alternative in prescribing Sermorelin Acetate Injections which can be an effective substitute to using real injectable HGH. As a secretegogue, sermorelin helps boost low HGH levels in the body.

If you would like to know more about buying Sermorelin or Somatropin in Manhattan or how to get a prescription for Hormone Replacement Therapy using natural or bio-identical treatments, contact the Manhattan Medical Center at 877-736-7761 or fill out the Hormone Therapy Info Form for pricing and treatment information.

A secretagogue is a substance that causes another substance to be secreted and is not limited to Sermorelin, although as an acetate compound it is one of the most popular HGH releasing agents patients buy for hormone stimulation. In addition to Sermorelin, patients may also buy GHRP, GHRH (growth hormone releasing hormone) and IGF-1 injections which are an amino acid compound prescribed for increasing endogenous GH  production. 

Sermorelin Injections vs HGH Injections 

Using sermorelin vs HGH. What is the difference between Somatropin and GH Peptides? Somatropin or Human Growth Hormone injections are bio-identical or a molecularly identical substance used to replace low or lost endogenous GH in the body. Sermorelin is a substance that stimulates the brain to secrete or release additional endogenous growth hormone. The results from taking either a releasing agent or a bio-identical hormone is to raise the level of   GH circulating in the blood.

Sermorelin is prescribed by endocrine professionals for adults taking HRT for human growth hormone. A patient can take GH peptides alone or together with human growth hormone injections to enhance the effects of the bio-identical therapy. Together this form of hormone treatment can maintain and alleviate menopause and Andropause symptoms, increase energy and muscle mass, improve body composition, reduce body fat, enhance sex drive, improve  mood, sleep, focus and memory. Both men and women taking Sermorelin see a big  improvement in skin texture, hair thickness, bone strength and visible reduction in the amount of adipose fatty tissue.

Sermorelin, IGF-1, GHRP and GHRH  are considered by many anti-aging doctors to be very effective treatments to help prevent premature aging. Natural hormone supplementation can help  people age well and grow older gracefully with less age-related illness and disease. Age Management and  Healthy Aging is becoming an important antiaging topic of discussion and both HGH and Sermorelin Acetate Therapy, along with testosterone supplementation are  growing as popular treatment alternatives for both men and women experiencing hormone decline and age-related signs and symptoms.  

Sermorelin and AGHD. Many patients are aware of  human growth hormone (hGH) for antiaging as much clinical experience has shown the potential health benefits of somatropin. From a naturopathic and age management perspective sermorelin  is now seen a good alternative and complementary treatment to real  growth hormone in adults  diagnosed with AGHD (Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency).

Sermorelin Prescription: The stimulation of natural HGH with Sermorelin helps endocrine physicians  maintain optimal growth hormone levels, improve body composition and lean muscle mass, sustain energy, endurance and stamina while helping to  prevent some diseases commonly associated with aging for more youthful living. You can buy sermorelin online with a doctor's prescription for adult age-related growth hormone insufficiency.  For more information on how and where to get sermorelin and to get pricing, contact the Manhattan Hormone Therapy Clinic and learn how healthy aging is possible using natural antiaging treatments services.

GH Peptide clinical studies on the results of sermorelin therapy relate to  secretory, cellular, tissue and organ effects. Medical studies demonstrate an increase in  insulin like growth factor -1 (IGF-1)  or somatomedin C and corresponding HGH levels,with positive health benefits and long-term safety.
Few possible side effects are experienced as is the case with other natural antiaging therapies that serve to help patients maintain their youth, energy and vitality as they age..

HGH Somatropin - Human growth hormone is produced by recombinant gene technology (rDNA) and has been used extensively for bio-identical hormone replacement and anti-aging therapy by age management physicians. HGH supplementation and stimulation is effective in restoring lost hormones and supporting youthful aging patients using the hormone in a physician-supervised  HRT program. However growth hormone is not for everyone and doctors are prescribing sermorelin and other GH peptides in case where a patient is unable to use HGH injections for treatment.  

Physicians are prescribing Sermorelin. Not every patient can be prescribed HGH. Patients with a history of certain  health risks may be unable to qualify for somatropin injections. Physicians are able to avoid potential side effects and problems with real HGH by using an alternative hormone releasing  product that overcomes medical and legal issues of prescribing injectable growth hormone.

Growth Hormone Releasing Factor (GHRF) - Sermorelin Peptide Science

Similar to recombinant rDNA somatropin or real HGH, which stimulates production of the bioactive hormone IGF-1 from the liver, Sermorelin simulates the patient’s own pituitary gland by binding to specific receptors that increase production and secretion of endogenous or the body's own HGH. Because sermorelin increases endogenous natural hormones by stimulating the pituitary gland it is an excellent treatment with benefits similar to somatropin injections that include:

•  Sermorelin stimulates your own pituitary gland to make more natural HGH. Your pituitary gland is only going to produce what it needs and no more.

• Its secretory effects are regulated by the pituitary gland through the  negative feedback loop and by the release of somatostatin so that the side effects of too much endogenous HGH are avoided.

• Cell and tissue exposure to HGH released by the pituitary under the influence of Sermorelin is a natural physiological response to administered doses mimicking normal human physiology.

• By stimulating the pituitary it preserves more of the growth hormone neuroendocrine axis and feedback loop that deteriorates over time due to the aging process.

Pituitary stimulation resulting from Sermorelin injections helps mitigate endocrine deficiency that occurs during aging preserving youthful body composition and physiology. GH peptide therapy provides patients with all the benefits  of real HGH replacement therapy.

Benefits of Sermorelin Therapy
• Increased Energy
• Improved Sex Drive
• Reduced Body Fat
• Increased Muscle Mass
• Enhanced Mood & Vitality
• Improved Skin Elasticity
• Less Skin Wrinkling & Thick Hair
• Increased Stamina & Endurance
• Improved Injury & Wound Healing
• Increased IGF-1 Production
• Improved Sleep Patterns
• Improved Concentration
• Improved Vision and Alertness
• Stronger Bones and Improved Bone Density
• Improved Immune and Cardiovascular System
• Lower blood pressure, higher HDL (good cholesterol)

Some patients use GH peptides with HCG (Human Chorionic Gonaditropin) to help enhance the effects of therapy. Ask a specialist about the use of HCG injections. 

Buy Sermorelin Acetate in New York City. If you would like to know more about buying Sermorelin or Somatropin in Manhattan or how to get a prescription for Hormone Peptide Therapy, contact the medical center at 877-736-7761 or fill out the Sermorelin Therapy Info Form for pricing and treatment information.

Hormone Deficiency affects millions of men and women who don't realize they have the signs and symptoms of low hormone levels and are experiencing age-related health problems due to Menopause in women, or Andropause, the male menopause in men. 

Manhattan Hormone Therapy is the leading Hormone Replacement Treatment Center serving all of New York including Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn the Bronx, Yonkers, Staten Island, Long Island and Upstate New York with Bio-Identical HRT, ED Therapy, Hormone Optimization, Anti-Aging Treatments, Age Medicine and Male Health Rejuvenation. Our endocrine physicians and urology specialists offer the most advanced hormone therapy for men and hormone therapy for women.To see if you might have a hormonal deficiency, whether it be low testosterone, estrogen or progesterone deficiency, adrenal fatigue, thyroid or human growth hormone, our age management specialists have the best hormone replacement and treatment options for you. 

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