Low Hormone Levels effects millions of people.

Hormone Deficiency affects millions of men and women who don't realize they have the signs and symptoms of low hormone levels and are experiencing age-related health problems due to  Menopause  in women, or Andropause, the male menopause in men. 

Hormone deficiency in women. The signs of hormonal imbalance in women occur in the 4th or 5th decade of life and start with peri-menopausal symptoms, and ultimately with menopause.  Estrogen, progesterone, thyroid, growth hormone, and even testosterone levels become imbalanced requiring hormone supplementation.

In men, symptoms occur more gradually, and when testosterone levels and growth hormone become too low,  health problems including erectile dysfunction (impotence) begin to appear. It is at this point most male patients consult their doctor and subsequently seek out a hormone specialist to help treat their symptoms.

Endocrinologists, Urologists, and Age Management Physicians specialize in anti-aging medicine and treating endocrine disorders. They use natural or Bio-identical Hormones to replace lost or low hormone levels. Treatments may include hormone medications in the form of creams, gels, pills, pellets, patches and injections. Hormone levels are tested with a simple blood test and a physical examination is given to assess your current health.

Bio-identical Hormones are naturally derived hormones identical in molecular structure and function to the hormones produced in the human body and modern endocrine physicians now use these as they are usually healthier and more effective than animal-derived hormones. As men and women age, important hormones such as HGH, Human Growth Hormone, Testosterone, Estrogen, Progesterone, Thyroid, Insulin, DHEA, melatonin and others can become deficient as the body stops naturally producing adequate levels of these essential hormones. Men and women suffer debilitating effects  from hormonal deficiencies including loss of libido, rapid weight gain, muscle loss, hot flashes, night sweats, very low energy, insomnia, mood swings and depression. 

Bio-identical HGH and Testosterone hormones used in a physician-supervised HRT program can effectively replace deficient hormones bringing them back up to youthful levels. Optimizing lost hormones helps alleviate the negative health symptoms associated with hormonal imbalance - you feel better, look better and live a better quality of life. Age  Management Professionals refer to holistic HRT programs using natural hormones, diet, exercise and positive lifestyle changes as Healthy Aging.

You may wish to consult with an Anti-AgingMedicine Doctor  if you feel exhausted, can't sleep well, are having mood swings, hot flashes and mood swings.  Your desire to have sex may be declining, your muscles are becoming flabby, skin is wrinkling, hair drying our,  have lost your motivation to do things or are withdrawing from intimacy.  Most noticeable for men and women, is the fact that energy levels are very low, you feel tired all day, muscles are weak and you are gaining a lot of weight especially around the mid-section, hips or lave handles  - increasing you clothing sizes by 2 to 3 inches.  In men, soft erections or the inability to have an erection is a primary sign that testosterone and HGH are low. In women, vaginal dryness and loss of libido are signs that HGH, estrogen, progesterone and testosterone ar out of balance. These are typical signs of Hormone Deficiency.

DHEA, Thyroid and cortisol levels also play important roles in daily and sexual health.  Insulin controls blood sugar levels and conversion of food to energy, while melatonin helps regulate sleep patterns. When hormones are not in balance, energy levels, stress levels, weight,  sleep, mood, memory, healing, temperature and sex are directly impacted. 

Why treating Hormone, Low Testosterone and HGH Deficiency matters?

When hormones are not working in concert with each other, health symptoms start to directly impact the quality of your life. Energy, sleep and sex drive are the first to be affected. Your work relationships and personal relationships seem to be worsening as you find yourself more lethargic than ever with less drive to accomplish things or to go out and do things. You no longer have the urge to exercise or find that you can't recover from workouts like you used to. All these thing start to become more pronounced as time goes by, yet your general practitioner or family doctor says you are in "good health".

Find out if you have an HGH or Testosterone deficiency and get treatment.

If you have lost your sex drive, feel tired all day, have gained a lot of weight, can't sleep, feel depressed and lethargic, have a hard time working out or recovering from workouts - you may likely have Low T levels. A quick test can help you find out if your signs and symptoms are age related or a result of hormonal imbalance or testosterone decline. An HRT Program using Bio-Identical Hormones like Somatropin, Estrogen Replacement, HCG Injections, Sermorelin or GHRP Growth Hormone Releasers, DHEA, Thyroid  and TRT  Testosterone Replacement Therapy using powerful anabolic steroid hormones that restore and balance your hormone levels can help you feel better, look better and significantly improve the quality of your life.

Manhattan Hormone Therapy is the leading Hormone Replacement Treatment Center serving all of South Florida with Bio-Identical HRT, ED Therapy, Hormone Optimization, Anti-Aging Treatments, Age Medicine and Male Health Rejuvenation. Our endocrine physicians and urology specialists offer the most advanced  hormone therapy for men and hormone therapy for women.To see if you might have a hormonal deficiency, whether it be low testosterone, estrogen or progesterone deficiency, adrenal fatigue, thyroid or human growth hormone, our age management specialists have the best hormone replacement and treatment options for you. Contact our medical clinic at 877-736-7761  or fill out the Hormone Info Form for pricing and treatment information.

Men's Hormone Health Note:

More than ever before Manhattan men are more aware of their fitness and sexual health. Testosterone and Human Growth Hormone play essential roles in supporting a strong body, mind and sexual function. When working out and diet no longer are enough and symptoms of erectile dysfunction or androgen deficiency start to affect a man's ability to function at his peak, men's hormone therapy in Manhattan may be the right prescription for improved health.

Low T Symptoms in Men such as declining libido, complete lack of energy, social withdrawal, depression, increased body fat, reduced strength, mood swings, hot flashes and inability to sleep are debilitating. If your hormone levels are lower than normal, you could be a candidate for a Low Testosterone Program.  Men who get treatment for Low T find the quality of their lives dramatically improve including their  sexual health, energy levels, drive to succeed, ability to workout, build strong muscle, lose weight  and improve overall body composition.

The Manhattan HRT Testosterone Treatment  Program is the most comprehensive male hormone replacement  program serving residents of Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn the Bronx, Yonkers, Staten Island, Long Island and Upstate New York areas. We have treated over 20,000 men in their late 30's to late 70's restore low testosterone levels helping to alleviate symptoms due to age related decline, hypogonadism or Andropause, the male menopause. Our  Urologists, Endocrinologists, and Anti-Aging Medicine Doctors are Cenegenics and Mayo Clinic Trained.

Men who take testosterone dramatically increase their energy levels, strength, lean muscle sex drive and sexual function.  Medical studies show that men experience a gradual loss of the male sex hormone androgen starting around the age of 35, and by the age of 75 have adverse health conditions and debilitating signs and symptoms including erectile dysfunction, depression and extensive muscle loss. Men who have low testosterone levels and don't seek treatment to replace low androgen levels find an increase in the number of health-related issues they experience.

What can you expect from Testosterone  Replacement Therapy?

Although  every man is different,  men  taking testosterone supplementation report significant improvement in energy levels, strength, enthusiasm, sex drive, erection firmness and performance. Testosterone also helps increase bone strength , lean muscle mass, improved cholesterol profile, proper fat distribution and body weight preventing obesity. Importantly, men show major improvements in their daily drive, enhanced mood,  better sleep and enthusiasm for daily living. These things naturally help improve work and personal relationships. To find out if Testosterone Supplementation, HGH Therapy or other Anti-Aging Treatments can help, contact one of our Age Management specialists  at Manhattan HRT today.

Learn more about  hormone replacement therapy for men suffering from Low T or fill out the TRT Info Form.
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