"TriMix Injection - TriMix ED Injections are one of the most effective treatment for men suffering with symptoms of erectile dysfunction."
is Prescribed for Men with Erectile Dysfunction - Buy TriMix Injections Online with a doctor's prescription. Order TriMix for Erectile Dysfunction Treatment from Urologists and Compounding Pharmacy at the best price or learn about getting a prescription for penile injection medications.
TriMix Erectile Therapy for Men with ED , Low T or Hypogonadism (Andropause)
What Is TriMix Therapy?
TriMix is a prescription
form of erectile injection prescribed for men with symptoms of impotence. It is used to treat men with ED or Erectile Dysfunction, hypogonadism, Andropause or low testosterone. TriMix is made up of an injectable compound that includes a combination of three injections in a single dose - Phentolamine Mesylate, Papaverine Hydrochloride and Prostaglandin E1 for injection.
Trimix ED Treatment for Men
Erectile Dysfunction Injections (Triple P Therapy for ED)
TriMix Therapy is also known as Triple P
and is very effective as an intercavernosal injection for erectile dysfunction. The therapy uses three vasoactive agents, papaverine, phentolamine, and prostaglandin E1 (PGE1 alprostadil), also used in Caverject®, Edex®, Viridal®. This combination of ED drug medications is common in ED Therapy,
and Urologists use a mixture of these specially formulated for each patient to effectively treat impotence. TriMix is approved by the FDA and is an innovative solution featuring a long-acting ED shot to successfully address erectile dysfunction issues in men of all ages.
Using TriMix Injections
Why use TriMix Injections?
TriMix Injection Therapy
is a great erectile solution when oral impotence treatment pills like Viagra, Cialis and Levitra are no longer effective treatment options. Trimix can be prescribed along with other androgen treatments on the market for use with testosterone replacement therapy options when low T levels are a contributing factor in a man's erectile dysfunction.
offers exciting possibilities when it comes to combining therapies to effectively treat severe erectile dysfunction. Similar to the P-Shot® or Priaupus injections used for ED Treatment, the TriMix compound is taken by injection directly into the penile shaft resulting in an erection, and with the ability for many men to have more erections for up to 24 hours. ED Physicians and Urologists usually prescribe TriMix for ED symptoms in 3 weekly injections. Proper dosage and injection technique is essential for optimal results and to avoid any side effects. To help with TriMix medication delivery, an autoinjector pen and gel solution (TriMix Gel) are also available.
How to Use TriMix with Testosterone Treatment?
TriMix Treatment
must be prescribed by a doctor and either self-administered or administered by a trained healthcare professional in a licensed medical clinic or office. As with testosterone, you must have a prescription from your doctor in order to buy and use TriMix. For men suffering from ED, Low T Therapy and Penile Injection Therapy can be complementary treatments. TriMix Penile Injections are frequently indicated for use with testosterone replacement therapy in adult males for sexual health conditions associated with a testosterone deficiency.
A testosterone blood test
and physical examination will assist your physician with providing a proper diagnoses and formulation of an effective Testosterone Treatment
program. Combined TriMix, Testosterone & HCG Injections Therapy have been very successful in helping many men suffering from ED. HCG Injections have the effect of increasing natural testosterone production in the body.
When first trying TriMix
your doctor will use a small test dose and carefully monitor your response. Eventually, you and your doctor will formulate the precise TriMix solution that is best for your body. Because of certain risks associated with TriMix (namely POME, prolonged erections and anaphylaxis), you will need to remain at the clinic after you receive your shot to be sure you have no serious reactions to the injection.
TriMix Therapy Instructions
TriMix Dosing and Administration Schedule
TriMix Therapy
can be prescribed to treat Erectile Dysfunction Caused by poor blood flow and Hypogonadism (Low T) with 2 to 3 shots per week.
A typical dose of TriMix
is papaverine 30 mg, phentolamine 1 mg, and prostaglandin E1 (PGE-1) 10 mcg per 1 ml; or a BiMix
of papaverine 30 mg and phentolamine 1 mg depending upon the patients age and condition. A Quad-Mix or super Tri-Mix formula is also available for men who need additional erectile agents to treat severe forms of erectile dysfunction. An initial "test" dosing is undertaken to measure a man's erectile response. Only, if needed, are additional amounts of ED injection solution used to achieve erection.
The typical initial dosing schedule is as follows:
- Initial Injection - 2.5 mcg
- Second Injection if needed up to 2.5 mcg
Eventually, men will experiment with increments of 5 to 10 mcg not to exceed 40mcg over a 24 hour period if needed to achieve a firm erection.
TriMix Dosages.
The Initial dosage as recommended for Edex® and Caverject Impulse® is 2.5 mcg with a second dose of 2.5 mcg if the initial dose is insufficient. TriMix dosage can be increased by 5 to 10 mcg at each additional attempt depending upon the erectile response with each dose not to exceed total of 40 mcg.
Higher doses for intracavernosal injections like TriMix are needed in older men age 65 to 85 in order to achieve erections. It is not uncommon for an initial dose of 10 mcg to be used for men who are over the of 65.
Trimix for ED
How does TriMix work?
The three P's in Trimix
help create an erection by relaxing the smooth muscles and widening the blood vessels in the penis. Trimix Injections using a combination of the three erectile injections in a single dose should begin to work within 5-20 minutes, and its effects should last about 30 minutes to an 1 hour or two.
Most men should be able to naturally have an erection for about 24 hours after TriMix administration. The different erectile products are available separately in lower strengths than that found in the Trimix Injection. For most men, using .5cc of TriMix should give good results and in many cases the erection may last too long well or in excess of 2 hours and the dosage to may then be dropped to .45 cc or lower.
The 3 vasoactive agents that make up the Tri-Mix mixture may be used alone or in a combination of Papaverine, Phentolamine, and Prostaglandin E1 (PGE1 Alprostadil).
Alprostadil Injection
is a prostaglandin (PGE-1). It works by relaxing certain muscles in the penis and widening blood vessels, which increases blood flow to the penis and helps to cause an erection. When the effect of the alprostadil wears off, blood flow returns to normal and the erection disappears. Caverject is a popular Alprostadil ED Injection.
Phentolamine shots
widen blood vessels and are given by injection causing penile blood vessels to expand increasing blood flow. When injected into the penis intracavernosally, it increases blood flow to the penis resulting in an erection.
is a penile vasodilator injection that relaxes smooth muscles in your blood vessels to help them dilate or widen. This lowers blood pressure and allows blood to flow more easily through your penile veins and arteries. Papaverine is used to treat many conditions such as erectile dysfunction in men and health conditions that cause spasm of smooth muscle. ED Treatment physicians may also prescribe Prostaglandin 2 or PGE-2).
Trimix Injections Side Effects
Risks & Possible Side Effects of TriMix Injections
TriMix Therapy
has been reported to be safe and effective for men suffering from ED. For over two decades it has been prescibed for men with impotence, and TriMix self-injection therapy has proven to be both safe and effective. It is considered the best second-line drug therapy
for the management of erectile dysfunction by Urologists, ED Physicians and Endocrinologists.
However as with all prescription medications there are risks and side effects. Fibrotic reactions with intracavernous injection therapy have been observed. A variety of reactions, ranging from subcutaneous nodules, intracavernosal fibrotic areas, penile plaques, lumps, swelling, tenderness, or curving have been reported. For this reason, routine clinical follow-ups are used to help identify fibrosis or new fibrosis, and PGE1 causes less fibrosis than the other drugs used for ED. Any penile nodules, lumps or swelling that occur with TriMix injection therapy disappear within a few months of stopping.
Some men have ED drug sensitivities which could cause penile pain, headaches, dizziness, bruising at the injections site, and prolonged erections. The ED product should not be used by men with anatomical deformation of the penis or with penile implants.
Injecting Trimix
How to Inject TriMix?
If you have an Autoinjector
like Caverject® Impulse, a premeasured does will be able to be set and easily injected. For those patients using a traditional vial, place your TriMix medication vial, syringes, and alcohol swabs on a clean surface.
- Wash hands with soap and water. Wipe the top of the vial with the alcohol swab.
- Remove the syringe from its package, attach the needle and pull off the cap.
- Pull on the plunger until an amount of air is in the syringe equal to the amount of medication you will be injecting. Insert the needle into the rubber stopper at the top of the vial and push in the air.
- Turn the vial and syringe upside down and draw up the recommended dosage into the syringe. Tap the syringe gently and push gently on the plunger to remove air bubbles.
- Sitting upright, hold the head of your penis stretching it lengthwise. Inject the medication into the corpora cavernosa which is the spongy tissue on the sides at the base of your penis. Some men massage the area for a few seconds after injection.
- Clean the injection site with a fresh alcohol swab.
Buying Trimix for Sale Online
Where and How to buy TriMix Injections?
You can order TriMix Injections
and testosterone from a licensed medical practitioner, Endocrinologist or ED Physician. Contact us to find a TriMix certified physician who trained in the administration and precautions of using TriMix for their patients. If for any reason you are not a good candidate for ED Therapy with TriMix, then the other erectile dysfunction therapies
and testosterone replacement options may be more suitable. You can read more about Enanthate Injections Online and Cypionate Injections Online, get info about Propionate Injections Online.
How much does TriMix cost?
ED related treatment
procedures can cost from $300 to over $2,500 depending upon the treatment. Injection of Corpora Cavernosa with Pharmacologic Agents such as BiMix, TriMix, QuadMix, and Caverject, is usually in the range of $400 to $600 depending upon the prescription of TriMix written by your doctor.
Many patients who use TriMix, use testosterone and also take Human Growth Hormone. If you have your prescription for Testosterone or Somatropin, you can order HGH Injections for HRT.
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