HCG Injections

HCG (Human Chorionic Gonaditropin) - 
Manhattan Treatment Plans using HCG Therapy

HCG Injection Fertility - Female Fertility Drug

HCG Injection Therapy - Male HRT Therapy

HCG Diet Plan - Medical Weight Loss and Control

HCG is a natural substance. HCG is a natural occurring hormonal substance and part of the endocrine system. HCG, “Human Chorionic Gonadotropin" is a hormone produced by the syncytiotrophoblasts in women to prepare the body for pregnancy. HCG injections are prescribed for patients who need help with fertility, hormone optimization and patients suffering from endocrine disorders.

If you would like to know more about HCG Therapy in Manhattan or how to get a prescription for real HCG Injections, contact the Manhattan Medical Center at 877-736-7761 or fill out the HCG Injections Therapy Info Form for pricing and treatment information. Read more about the the medical  uses or HCG below.

"How do I know this is Real HCG?" 

Patients looking for an HCG therapy program want to know they are getting genuine HCG and one of the biggest concerns patients have when searching online for HCG is whether or not they are buying REAL HCG. That is why it is essential to order your HCG hormone medications through a licensed medical doctor and purchase from a US pharmacy. With so many websites on the internet selling HCG, testosterone and HGH injections from overseas, it is difficult to know what it is you are really getting from these online suppliers. At the Manhattan Hormone Treatment Center, you can meet with an experienced endocrine physician who will take the time to discuss your concerns and you can be assured that when you buy HCG injections in Manhattan they are real HCG from a licensed pharmacy.

Real HCG injections can only be prescribed by a licensed medical doctor. Generally it is used to help increase fertility in women having a difficult time conceiving and for men taking testosterone as part of a testosterone replacement therapy program to boost natural androgen production and to prevent testicular atrophy. With regards to medical weight loss, Dr. Simeons an HCG pioneer, performed extensive research on the practice of using HCG along with a strict diet of 500 to 800 daily caloric intake. The doctor found that effective weight loss was accomplished as long as patients followed the program's caloric and and dosage requirements. 

HCG used for Weight Loss and Control

The hCG diet originated over 50 years ago with Dr. Simeons. On the weight loss protocol a person eats as little as 500 calories of food per day while the body is signaled by the HCG hormone to use fat for fuel and energy. Some concerns over the low caloric intake were expressed, and Dr. Simeons eventually wrote the book: “Pounds and Inches,” in an attempt address safety concerns of the HCG diet and to better explain  the  weight loss attributes pertaining to the use of HCG. Dr. Simeons' clinical work and case study history dating back to the 1950's demonstrates that if a patient follows the program, they will see visible results.

Dr. Simeons ground-breaking medical work on the use of Hcg Injections therapy for men and women have many Holistic, Integrative and Age Management practitioners supporting his work. As part of a preventive medical practice and program, HCG along with bio-identical hormones are used in both male and female hormone replacement. 

HCG Clinical Side effects: There have been some documented hCG side effects, but they are rarely expereinced in [atients following the proper dosing protocol. HCG injections side effects rarely occur in common practice while under the supervision of an experienced anti-aging medical doctor knowledgeable in HCG fertility  treatments, TRT and medical weight loss diets. Some side effects, which are common with many prescription medications are mild bloating, swelling and  stomach irritation or indigestion, acne, enlargement of penis and testes in men, growth of pubic hair, and skin redness. However, HCG is produced by the body and is a natural substance that when used properly have the intended health benefits..

HCG Weight Loss Plans: Those that undergo treatment for HCG weight loss can expect on average to lose 1-1.5 lbs per day. Depending on the patient's lifestyle, current weight, age and health, the results may be more or less than that per day. Most patients using HCG for weight loss weigh themselves daily and track their caloric intake. The patients eat a high calorie meal before starting the diet and then reduce their daily intake to from 500 to 800 depending upon the protocol prescribed. HCG weight loss is usually quite rapid, with people capable of losing 30-50 pounds in just over a month. As Dr. Simeons discusses in his book on HCG weight loss, one chooses how long to remain on the diet depending on their weight loss goals. Since the hCG weight loss diet focuses on the "stubborn body fat", it is one of the few diets that is long-lasting with future weight gain not as likely once patients maintain a healthy diet and exercise regimen.

What is hCG exactly?: Many patients interested in the diet typically want to know what is hCG
 Human chorionic gonadotropin is referred to as the pregnancy hormone that signals a women who is pregnant  that her corpus luteum should maintain progesterone production. The effect is that an  increase in hCG furthers the production of progesterone and the integrity of the uterine lining during pregnancy.

HCG Diet Reviews: HCG diet plan reviews are mixed because many patients who don't follow the protocol have difficulty getting good before and after HCG results. Moat HCG diet reviews supporting the effectiveness of the diet are by those successfully finishing their treatment plan as prescribed by their doctor. Many HCG diet reviews that are negative are usually by doctors that have never properly tried or attempted to study the effects of the diet.  Of course, patients who have not properly followed their physicians instructions or abuse HCG will also not benefit as much from the use of the hormone.

hCG Diet Side  Effects and Warnings:  hCG diet plans have very few adverse side effects  if the diet is followed properly and specifically as prescribed by your physician. As with all powerful hormone drugs,  HCG is not for everyone and a clinical need must be established by a licensed physician before buying HCG injections for treatment. 

hCG diet side effects could occur if a patient is not following the diet and not being properly monitored by their physician. Claims of hCG diet side effects  generally center around the 500 calorie limit Dr. Simeons established early on in the 1950s. Most modern HCG diet plans have increased that level to 800 calories per day to alleviate some of the disadvantages of  hCG diet calorie limitations. HCG diet weight considerations with regards to calories and nutritional intake  should not be a concern if one is working with an experienced medical professional who carefully overseas the HCG diets and monitors for any HCG diet side effects.

hCG Diets: The use of Human Chorionic Gonaditropin has been around for more than 50 years. HCG diets have proven to be effective and are not like other pills, diet enhancers or dietary treatments. HCG injections are delivered directly into the blood stream versus through the digestive system and liver. Shots are perceived as safer because the risk of liver toxicity or burden on the kidneys is mitigated. HCG therapy diets must be prescribed by a licensed medical doctor.

Where can you find hCG treatments? Normally, HCG injections therapy can be found in Anti Aging. Health and Wellness Clinics, naturopaths and holistic medicine practitioners. You should carefully research  HCG for weight loss and other health and healing purposes before considering if the therapy may be right for you.

Some patients are prescribed HGH Injections and GH peptides like Sermorelin with HCG (Human Chorionic Gonaditropin) to help enhance the effects of therapy. Ask one of our hormone specialists about the use of HCG injections. 

If you would like to know more about buying HCG, Testosterone  or Somatropin in Manhattan or how to get a prescription for HCG Therapy, contact the medical center at 877-736-7761 or fill out the HCG Injections Therapy Info Form for pricing and treatment information.

Hormone Deficiency affects millions of men and women who don't realize they have the signs and symptoms of low hormone levels and are experiencing age-related health problems due to Menopause in women, or Andropause, the male menopause in men.  The endocrine doctors and urology professionals at the Manhattan Anti-Aging Clinic can help.

Manhattan Hormone Therapy is the leading Hormone Replacement Treatment Center serving all of New York City including Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn the Bronx, Yonkers, Staten Island, Long Island, Rochester, Buffalo, Syracuse, New Rochelle and Upstate New York  with Bio-Identical HRT, ED Therapy, Hormone Optimization, Anti-Aging Treatments, Age Medicine and Male Health Rejuvenation. Our endocrine physicians and urology specialists offer the most advanced hormone therapy for men and hormone therapy for women.

To see if you might have a hormonal deficiency, whether it be low testosterone, estrogen or progesterone deficiency, adrenal fatigue, thyroid or human growth hormone, our Manhattan Age Management specialists have the best hormone replacement and treatment options for you. 

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