Low Testosterone Treatment in Manhattan

Manhattan HRT offers one of the most comprehensive Low Testosterone Replacement programs in New York City. Low testosterone levels can cause you to feel extremely tired all day, experience a complete loss  of sex drive, feel moody and irritable,  have soft erections or erectile dysfunction.

Men  with Low T feel less motivated, more withdrawn, very moody with unexpected  bursts of anger. 
Getting enough sleep becomes a big task as night sweats and hot flashes disturb sleep patterns. Small lines and wrinkles crease into the face and muscles become loose and flabby. One of the biggest signs of testosterone deficiency besides lost libido is the rapid weight gain men experience as the hormones testosterone and HGH (Human Growth Hormone) decline and proper fat distribution and metabolic rate decline. It is not uncommon for a man's pant size to increase 2 to 3 inches in the short span of four to six months.

Testosterone in men is responsible for healthy muscle tone, bone density, strength, sex drive, ability to have erections, proper fat distribution, sperm production and red blood cell production. After the age of 25, testosterone levels decline by 1 to 2% each year. A sedentary lifestyle, obesity and chronic low testosterone levels are  linked to erectile dysfunction, high blood pressure, depression, poor cholesterol profile, cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis.

Talking to your doctor about low testosterone symptoms. Many men are reluctant to talk about their symptoms or to explore how testosterone replacement therapy can help them. In addition, many family doctors and general practitioners lack experience with bio-identical hormone therapy. There is the social  stigma associated with low testosterone levels that makes men hesitant to talk to their doctors about Low T levels, impotence and other symptoms of Andropause, or Low T in men . All men  experience low testosterone levels at some point in their lives - the stage of life called Andropause. While symptoms occur  more gradually for men, the symptoms of male menopause are just as debilitating to men as menopause is to women.

Low Testosterone Treatment is available. It is currently estimated that over 5 million American men may suffer from low testosterone and are not seeking any form of treatment. You don't need to suffer with the signs and symptoms of age-related hormone decline whether it is testosterone or human growth hormone. A simple blood test will tell you if you have a hormone deficiency and if you do, a TRT program or HGH Treatment program can help you restore your male hormone levels back to youthful levels. You will feel better, look better and live a more energetic life. You can fix Low T and repair deficient androgen levels - contact a Testosterone Treatment specialist for Testosterone Program pricing and information. 

Manhattan HRT is the leading Male Hormone Replacement Treatment Center serving all of New York City with Bio-Identical HRT, ED (Erectile Dysfunction) Therapy, Hormone Optimization, Anti-Aging Treatments, Age Medicine and Male Health Rejuvenation. To see if you might have a Testosterone deficiency, contact our medical clinic at 877-736-7761 or fill out the TRT Program Info Form for pricing and treatment information.

Are you looking for the best place in Manhattan for Low T Therapy? You might be researching low testosterone online, typed in "Manhattan Low T Center", or were  looking up the  symptoms of Low T online  because you heard about testosterone therapy or testosterone hormone replacement on TV, in a magazine, at the gym. or through a friend. You have not been feeling like yourself lately and might be wondering if low testosterone might be causing health symptoms. 

The Low Testosterone Quiz. There is a short quiz you you can take called the Low T Quiz and it can help you determine if the signs and symptoms you are feeling are related to androgen deficiency. In addition to testosterone, other hormones such as thyroid, insulin (diabetes) and HGH, the human growth hormone can also be contributing factors to health problems associated with hormonal imbalance and decline.

Do You Suffer From Symptoms of Low Testosterone Levels?

Low T Quiz - Ask yourself:
  •     Do you feel absolutely exhausted and tired all day?
  •     Are you feeling less enthusiastic about going to work?
  •     Are you less intimate or less attracted to your significant other? 
  •     Is your sex drive waning or are you no longer interested in sex?
  •     Do you have softer erections or trouble maintaining an erection?
  •     Are you feeling angry, moody and irritable most of the time?
  •     Do you feel lethargic and avoid working out or physical exercise?
  •     Are you less motivated  or lost your drive and desire to perform tasks?
  •     Have you gained excessive weight, especially around your belly?
Manhattan Men - If you answered yes to any of these questions, low testosterone levels may be to blame. You may be experiencing Andropause, the male version of menopause. During Andropause, men experience declining androgen levels, and when the male sex hormone is low enough, estrogen levels begins to increase along with sex hormone binding proteins that remove free testosterone from a man's body. These factors cause the condition known as Low Testosterone or Low T. Symptoms associated with Low T are not just the usual signs of middle-age or aging - lifestyle, genetics and diet also play an important role. 

Erectile dysfunction or impotence, obesity, muscle and bone loss, hot flashes, severe mood swings and depression are serious health issues and can be treated with hormone normalization and optimization. Until a man starts taking testosterone and HGH as part of a physician-supervised  TRT program, he doesn't realize how much better he can feel, look and perform with youthful levels of testosterone restored. Low T symptoms are mostly treatable, reversible and even preventable.

Get the Benefits of Testosterone Therapy

Testosterone replacement offers excellent results for men experiencing symptoms associated with low levels of the hormone. The testosterone therapy programs at Manhattan HRT Center are designed to restore testosterone levels to what they were when you were in optimal health and your testosterone and growth hormone levels were at their peak. For most people this was around ages of 25 to 30.

Potential benefits of testosterone therapy include:
  •     Improved Sexual Performance
  •     Improved Sexual Drive
  •     Improved Sexual Function
  •     Reduction in Body Fat
  •     Lean Muscle Mass
  •     Improved Bone Density
  •     Improved Memory
  •     Improved Strength
  •     Lean Muscle Mass
  •     Improved Mood
  •     Increased Energy
  •     Increased Endurance
  •     Increased Drive and Ambition
  •     Less Risk for Cardiovascular Disease
Testosterone Treatment Options:
  •     Testosterone Cream
  •     Testosterone Gel
  •     Testosterone Injection
  •     Testosterone Cypionate
  •     Testosterone Propionate
  •     Testosterone Enanthate
  •     Testosterone Pellets (Implant)
  •     Testosterone Buccal / Gum
  •     Testosterone Pills (Oral)

Andropause (Hypogonadism),  or Erectile Dysfunction caused by low androgen levels are treatable and reversible conditions. You can increase Low T levels and boost your  self-esteem, sex drive, mood and restore your intimate and work relationships. 

The physicians at Manhattan HRT Center are Cenegenics, Mayo Clinic and Cleveland trained experts in the field of Anti-Aging Medicine and HRT (hormone replacement therapy). If you think you may be suffering from low testosterone, contact the Manhattan Low T Center and schedule an appointment to have a complete and thorough analysis of your testosterone health

Once you have your lab blood test results and physical examination we will decide which type of Low T Treatment is right for you as it could be low testosterone injections, androgen gel, creams or patches.  You can get your prescription hormone medications including HCG, HGH, testosterone injections in Manhattan from a licensed pharmacy to ensure safety and that you are buying testosterone legally. Once you start your TRT program you will boost your sex drive, increase your energy, strength and stamina,  restore your confidence and drive and enthusiasm for life.

Call us at 877-736-7761  to find out if you may be a good candidate for testosterone replacement therapy, HGH injections and other hormone enhancing treatments like HCG, Sermorelin and TriMix injections for ED Therapy.

Contact our Testosterone Specialists to learn more about male hormone replacement therapy. We have the leading Urologists, Endocrinologists and Anti-Aging Medicine Doctors trained by Cenegenics and the Mayo Clinic in the use of bio-identical testosterone supplementation for treating Low T,  Andropause (androgen deficiency),  hypogonadism, erectile dysfunction and other symptoms that affect male sexual health and wellness.

Low Testosterone Treatment in Manhattan
Low testosterone levels in the aging male can result in symptoms such as decreased libido or sex drive, lack of energy, erectile dysfunction, impaired sleep, depression, cognitive decline, easy fatigability or lack of endurance as well as decreased muscle and bone strength.  Manhattan HRT urologists and endocrine specialists are  board certified MD's specializing in the diagnosis, management and treatment of testosterone deficiency in the aging male also known as male andropause or hypogonadism.

Low testosterone is not just a problem for aging males.  After the age of 30, most men will begin to develop declining levels of their free testosterone that are measurable on blood tests.   This drop in bio-available testosterone  may be at the root of patient complaints related to decreased libido and energy levels.  Low T levels can result in decreased bone density known as osteoporosis, decreased muscle mass, depressed mood and impaired cognition.

Low testosterone (Low T) levels often set in gradually as a man ages so that they do not even notice the slow changes and negative impact on their health over time.   Men often just assume that the symptoms they are experiencing including decreased sex drive and energy levels are simply a normal manifestation of the aging process.  Although there is no cure for low testosterone, there are medically effective treatments available that can result in significant and noticeable changes in the quality of life of aging men.

Manhattan HRT  urologists  and endocrinologists are Age Management and Regenerative Medicine professionals who  have broad experience in the diagnosis and treatment of men with low testosterone (low t).  After a formal hormonal evaluation that may include testosterone, free testosterone, SHBG, PSA and pituitary hormones such as LH, FSH and prolactin, testosterone replacement therapy may be recommended.  Testosterone replacement comes in the form of topical gels like Androgel and patches like Androderm, injectable testosterones like cypionate, depo-testosterone, enanthate and propionate, bucal gums and  long acting implantable pellets that are placed under the skin know as Testopel.

Low testosterone  symptoms are certainly treatable and can result in improvements in a man’s quality of life and health.  In addition to improvements in libido, energy, and cognition testosterone replacement therapy can promote improvements in muscle and bone strength and potentially improve cardiovascular and metabolic health.  Manhattan TRT specialists are  licensed medical doctors who are experts in the field of testosterone deficiency,  and bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, including growth hormone deficiency.  They are available for consultation regarding low testosterone (Low T) at convenient Manhattan and Long Island locations.

Low Testosterone effects millions of men.

Low T affects millions of men who don't realize they have the signs and symptoms of low testosterone or Andropause. The signs of hormonal imbalance in men occurs gradually and one day you wake up and simply don't feel like yourself. You begin to  realize that you feel exhausted, can't sleep well, are having mood swings and flashes of anger.  Your erections are weaker and your desire to have sex has declined.  Most noticeable, is the fact that your muscles are becoming flabby and you have gained a lot of weight especially around the mid-section - increasing you pant sizes by 2 to 3 inches. These are typical signs of Low T.

Why treating Low T matters?

Your work relationships and personal relationships seem to be worsening as you find yourself more lethargic than ever with less drive to accomplish things or to go out and do things. You no longer have the urge to exercise or find that you can't recover from workouts like you used to. All these thing start to become more pronounced as time goes by, yet your general practitioner or family doctor says you are in "good health".

Find out if you have a Testosterone deficiency and get treatment.

If you have lost your sex drive, feel tired all day, have gained a lot of weight, can't sleep, feel depressed and lethargic, have a hard time working out or recovering from workouts - you may likely have Low T levels. A quick test can help you find out if your signs and symptoms are age related or a result of hormonal imbalance or testosterone decline. A TRT Program or Testosterone Replacement Therapy that restores and balances your hormone levels can help you feel better, look better and significantly improve the quality of your life.

Manhattan HRT is the leading Male Hormone Replacement Treatment Center serving all of New York City with Bio-Identical HRT, ED Therapy, Hormone Optimization, Anti-Aging Treatments, Age Medicine and Male Health Rejuvenation. To see if you might have a Testosterone deficiency, contact our medical clinic at 877-736-7761  or fill out the TRT Info Form for pricing and treatment information.

Low T Symptoms in Men such as declining libido, complete lack of energy, social withdrawal, depression, increased body fat, reduced strength, mood swings, hot flashes and inability to sleep are debilitating. If your hormone levels are lower than normal, you could be a candidate for a Low Testosterone Program.  Men who get treatment for Low T find the quality of their lives dramatically improve including their  sexual health, energy levels, drive to succeed, ability to workout, build strong muscle, lose weight  and improve overall body composition.

The Manhattan HRT Testosterone Treatment  Program is the most comprehensive male hormone replacement  program serving residents of Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn the Bronx,  Yonkers, Staten Island, Long Island and Upstate New York areas. We have treated over 20,000 men in their late 30's to late 70's restore low testosterone levels helping to alleviate symptoms due to age related decline, hypogonadism or Andropause, the male menopause. Our  Urologists, Endocrinologists, and Anti-Aging Medicine Doctors are Cenegenics and Mayo Clinic Trained.

Men who take testosterone dramatically increase their energy levels, strength, lean muscle sex drive and sexual function.  Medical studies show that men experience a gradual loss of the male sex hormone androgen starting around the age of 35, and by the age of 75 have adverse health conditions and debilitating signs and symptoms including erectile dysfunction, depression and extensive muscle loss. Men who have low testosterone levels and don't seek treatment to replace low androgen levels find an increase in the number of health-related issues they experience.

What can you expect from Testosterone  Replacement Therapy?

Although  every man is different,  men  taking testosterone supplementation report significant improvement in energy levels, strength, enthusiasm, sex drive, erection firmness and performance. Testosterone also helps increase bone strength , lean muscle mass, improved cholesterol profile, proper fat distribution and body weight preventing obesity. Importantly, men show major improvements in their daily drive, enhanced mood, better sleep and enthusiasm for daily living. These things naturally help improve work and personal relationships. To find out if Testosterone Supplementation, HGH Therapy, ED Therapy, HCG Injections, Sermorelin or other Anti-Aging Treatments can help, contact one of our Age Management specialists  at Manhattan HRT today.

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