HGH Injections Prescribed by Anti-Aging & Age Management Physicians in  Manhattan for HRT.

HGH (Human Growth Hormone) General Information

Human Growth Hormone or HGH Treatment programs are intended for Men and Women over the age of 30 who have symptoms of Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency (AGHD). Human Growth Hormone (HGH) alleviates menopausal symptoms in women and Andropause symptoms in men. 

HGH enhances libido,  builds strong muscle, burns fat, accelerates cell regeneration, wound healing, healing and rehabilitation following injury, reverses the biological and physical effects of aging, maximizes physical performance, increases capacity for exercise and allows patients to live up to their daily potential.

Somatropin Manufacturers Name Brands
Saizen | Serostim | Nutropin | Genotropin  | Norditropin | Humatrope | Omnitrope

HGH can help qualified patients in the following ways...
• Reverses many symptoms of aging
• Reverses muscle wasting
• 14% Reduction in weight and body fat after 
six months (on average), without dieting
• 9% increase in lean muscle after six months, without exercise
• Increases energy level, endurance, and exercise capacity
• Increases cardiac output and athletic performance
• Reduces stress and enhances immune system
• Accelerated wound healing and skin regeneration
• Improves memory retention and cognitive functions
• Improved recovery rate from athletic injury
• Improves vision • Achieve a younger, tighter, thicker skin
• Improves kidney function • Reverse osteoporosis, Improves sleep

Click Here for NYC HGH RX info to Learn More about the Prescription Process...

Here at the Manhattan HRT Clinic, we utilize functional, integrative or anti-aging, medicine. We apply advanced medical and scientific technologies in order to prevent, identify, treat and reverse age related diseases. The goal of anti-aging medicine is not simply to prolong the total number of years of a persons life, but to also ensure that those years are lived in a productive and satisfying manner.

We offer a personalized, preventative, HGH programs that incorporate natural hormone therapy and a nutrition education and exercise plan to help you maintain optimal health and wellness as you age. Our NYC Age Management  physicians will support you in balancing your hormones, eating healthy, exercising regularly, managing weight and stress, and specifically optimizing your growth hormone levels to help delay the onset of age related diseases and to ensure you live a more youthful life. Healthy aging is possible with HGH supplementation.

What NYC HGH Treatment Programs do we offer?

We offer two main Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy programs using approved brand name bio-identical somatropin injections. Our HRT programs are physician supervised to ensure your health and safety. You buy HGH injections through our licensed New York City medical facility so you are ordering real somatropin legally.
  • An 18 week cycle of HGH therapy via self injection of somatropin. 
  • A 24 week cycle of HGH therapy via self injections of somatropin. 
What kind of injections are used in NYC HGH Therapy?

Manhattan HGH Injections prescribed are Somatropin - or Natural Growth Hormone.

Somatropin is a Sub-Q or subcutaneous injection. HGH shots are taken daily using a thin insulin-like needle injected into the fatty tissue usually into the belly fat. Some patients use the hip or love handles which also have much fatty tissue. If you are prescribed testosterone injections, those shots are IM or intramuscular injections.

What is the proper HGH dosage? 
Most patients take from 1 IU to 4 IU daily for the purpose of hormone replacement therapy. Your doctor will prescribe the proper dosage to increase your GH levels to youthful levels and monitor you hormone levels to ensure you don't experience any side effects that can occur from injectiing too much HGH.  Some bodybuilders use up to 8 IU or more to help build muscle quickly. Body building, weight loss and athletic performance enhancement are not approved uses for human growth hormone.


Injectable HGH is also known as Recombinant rDA Somatropin. A complex protein hormone composed of 191 amino acids that is synthesized and secreted by cells called somatotrophs. It is produced in the anterior pituitary, a gland attached to the hypothalamus, which is located at the base of the brain.

HGH is similar to testosterone, estrogen, progesterone and DHEA  because it is one of the many endocrine hormones that decrease with age. Starting in your 20s, HGH secretion declines 10 to 20 percent each decade. By age 50, you only secrete 25 percent as much as the average 20 year old. By age 65 your growth hormone levels are extremely low because you  produce very little natural or endogenous HGH. 

The decrease in natural HGH speeds up the aging process and increases symptoms of Adult Onset Growth Hormone Deficiency. In women, it signals menopause and in men along with low testosterone, it signals the male menopause, or andropause.


HGH and IGF-1. Growth Hormone increases the amount of IGF-1 that your liver produces.
IGF-1 stops insulin from transporting glucose to cells. After you eat, your pancreas releases the insulin needed to convert carbohydrates into glucose. Your body then stores this glucose in fat cells, many of which are found around the waistline, and uses it for energy. HGH-induced IGF-1 prevents insulin from storing this glucose in cells, causing your body to burn fat for energy.

What are hormones?

Hormone, a secretory substance carried from one gland or organ of the body via the bloodstream to more or less specific tissues, where it exerts some influence upon the metabolism of the target tissue. Normally, various hormones are produced and secreted by the endocrine glands (see endocrine system), including the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroids, adrenals, ovaries, testes, pancreatic islets, certain portions of the gastrointestinal tract, and the placenta, among the mammalian species. 

Hormone Deficiency: A lack of any of the important hormones may cause serious disorders. Many hormones including HGH, are now produced synthetically and used in treatment where a deficiency exists. The hormones of the anterior pituitary include thyrotropin, adrenocorticotropic hormone, the gonadotropic hormones, and growth hormone; the posterior pituitary secretes antidiuretic hormone, prolactin, and oxytocin. 

The thyroids secrete thyroxine and calcitonin, and the parathyroids secrete parathyroid hormone. The adrenal medulla secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine while the cortex of the same gland releases aldosterone, corticosterone, cortisol, and cortisone. The ovaries primarily secrete estrogen and progesterone and the testes testosterone. The adrenal cortex, ovaries, and testes in fact produce at least small amounts of all of the steroid hormones. The islets of Langerhans in the pancreas secrete insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin. The kidneys also produce erythropoietin, which produces erythrocytes (red blood cells). The passage of chyme (see digestive system) from the stomach to the duodenum causes the latter to release secretin, which stimulates the flow of pancreatic juice. 

The duodenum can also be stimulated by the presence of fats in the chyme to secrete cholecystokinin, a hormone that stimulates the gall bladder to contract and release bile. There is evidence that the upper intestine secretes pancreatozymin, which enhances the amount of digestive enzymes in the pancreatic juice. In addition, the pyloric region of the stomach secretes gastrin, a hormone that increases the secretion of hydrochloric acid into the stomach. The placenta has been shown to secrete progesterone and chorionic gonadotropin. There is evidence that it even contains a substance similar to growth hormone. Insects have a unique hormonal system that includes ecdysone, a steroid that influences molting and metamorphosis, and juvenile hormone, needed for early development. Plants, too, have a hormonal system, which includes the auxins, the gibberellins, the cytokinins, and substances associated with the formation of flowers, tubers, bulbs, and buds. Ethylene is said to function as a hormone in plants, acting to hasten the ripening of fruits.

Growth Hormone levels?
The hormone most often said to affect aging and promote anti-aging is growth hormone. Growth hormone plays a pivotal but ³intermediate² role in the anti- aging process. The lack of this hormone doesn't bring about aging, but rather, the hormone lies in the middle of the aging cascade. Giving supplemental growth hormone to the aging body will restore some lost muscle mass and redistribute fat within the body, however it will not affect many other common aging changes, such as hair loss.

Researchers had long noticed that growth hormone hits its peak when the body goes through the rapid growth phase during adolescence. Hence the hormone¹s name. Most growth hormone secretion takes place in brief bursts called pulses that occur during the early hours of the deepest sleep. Indeed the old adage that you grow while you sleep appears to have a basis in fact.

Interestingly, growth hormone has a very short half life remaining in the bloodstream for a very few minutes. However, this is long enough to stimulate its uptake into the liver, where it is converted into growth factors. Regulation of Growth Hormone is complex and comes under the control of many factors that regulate its release and function. Growth hormone declines with age in every animal species that has been tested to date. In humans, the amount of growth hormone after the age of twenty-one to thirty-one falls about 14 percent per decade, so that the total twenty-four-hour growth hormone production rate is reduced by half by the age of sixty.

Effects of Human Growth Hormone decline
HGH Deficiency - The decline in human growth hormone is directly tied to the bulging, wrinkling, saggy, flabby, draggy creatures that we all sooner or later start to see in the mirror. Those of us with naturally lower amounts of hormone age much faster and more visibly that those of us who by reason of genes or high exercise level maintain a higher level of secretion for a longer period of time. The loss of the hormone with age is similar to that seen with menopause. And it has been given a similar name, the somatopause.

Health Tips About Using HGH
DO NOT EXCEED THE PRESCRIBED DOSAGE. Like most hormones, HGH is very potent. MORE IS NOT BETTER. If you are just starting HGH replacement therapy, you will be prescribed a small dose in the range of 0.1 to 0.3 mg per day. Remember that the goal of HGH replacement therapy is to restore your HGH production level.

WATCH FOR ADVERSE SOMATROPIN SIDE EFFECTS: Almost all adverse effects of HGH (water retention, sore muscles, numbness in the hands) are related to doses that are too high. If you are retaining water, ask your physician about lowering your dosage. Prolonged overproduction of HGH can cause serious side effects. This can occur in adults who have a hormonal disorder call acromegaly. The disorder is characterized by abnormal growth of the hands and feet. Soft tissue swelling of the hands and feet is often an early symptom, with patients noticing a change in ring or shoe size. If you notice any signs associated with acromegaly, consult your physician (preferably an endocrinologist).

EXERCISE: If you don't have an exercise program, start one. It doesn't have to be at a gym. Find a program that fits your life---walking, swimming, sports---anything that provides a reasonable workout several times a week. Studies have shown that HGH replacement therapy is more effective for people who exercise regularly. A natural way to boost natural growth hormone levels is with intensive exercise.

MULTIPLE VITAMINS: Continue with a good multiple vitamin program that includes Vitamin C and Vitamin E.
SLEEP: Sleep is important to good health and it appears that several anti-aging hormones are produced at higher levels during sleep than during waking hours.

WATCH YOUR WEIGHT: HGH replacement therapy is not a diet program. Well it does tend to build muscle and reduce fat, many users find that they have an increased appetite.

SKIN AND SUN: When you are in the Sun, use sun protection. Use a good skin lotion morning and night. Consider using an "age-defying" lotion like that produced by Ponds or Oil of Olay.

DON'T SMOKE: If you have started HGH replacement therapy to look better, then don't smoke. Among other things, smoking makes your skin look older.

WATER: Drink plenty of water---every day! 

Get HGH Injections and Prescriptions from Manhattan HRT Doctors in NYC
Manhattan HRT is the leading HGH Replacement Treatment Center serving all of New York City with Bio-Identical HRT, ED Therapy (Impotence Treatment), Hormone Optimization, Anti-Aging Treatments, Age Medicine and Hormone Health Rejuvenation. To see if you might have a growth hormone deficiency, contact our medical clinic at 877-736-7761 or fill out the HGH Injections Info Form for pricing and treatment information.

HGH Deficiency Symptoms such as declining libido, complete lack of energy, social withdrawal, depression, increased body fat, reduced strength, mood swings, hot flashes and inability to sleep are debilitating. If your hormone levels are lower than normal, you could be a candidate for an HGH Treatment  Program.  Patients who get treatment for low HGH find the quality of their lives dramatically improve including their  sexual health, energy levels, drive to succeed, ability to workout, build strong muscle, lose weight  and improve overall body composition.

The Manhattan HRT Growth Hormone Treatment  Program is the most comprehensive hormone replacement  program serving residents of Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Yonkers, Staten Island, Long Island and Upstate New York areas. We have treated over 20,000 patients in their late 30's to late 70's restore low human growth hormone levels helping to alleviate symptoms due to age related decline, Menopause, thyroid conditions, sexual dysfunction, adrenal fatigue,  ED, hypogonadism or Andropause, the male menopause. Our  NYC Urologists, Endocrinologists, and Anti-Aging Medicine Doctors are Cenegenics, Cleveland Clinic and Mayo Clinic Trained. You may have been searching for HGH Injections NYC.

Buy Human Growth Hormone  Injections at the Manhattan HGH Center
Learn more about NYC bio-identical  hormone replacement therapy by calling our Anti-Aging HRT Center at 877-736-7761 or fill out the HGH Info Form and a hormone specialist will contact you.

Click to Call Us Contact Us

What Brands of HGH can I buy in NYC?

HGH  Injection Therapy will help you increase your energy levels, boost libido - sex drive, improve muscle tone, reduce body weight and fat, enhance your mood and vitality for living daily New York City life. 

Growth Hormone or Somatropin HGH is one of the best age management treatments you can receive to help treat menopause and Andropause health conditions caused by low HGH levels, prevent premature aging and alleviate symptoms due to an adult HGH deficiency. Manhattan Anti-Aging Doctors and Endocrine Physicians have experience managing patients requiring hormone injections for treatment. Careful dosing and monitoring ensures a successful hormone optimization program.

The HGH Shots you receive in NYC will help replenish the growth hormone you have lost due to a hormonal imbalance or age-related hormone deficiency. Using Bio-Identical Growth Hormone Injections (rDNA origin), you will inject daily high quality prescription-grade FDA-approve growth hormone as part of your NYC hormone replacement therapy program.

HGH Injections in New York City

FDA-Approved HGH Medicines. The main brands of growth hormone for injection available for sale in New York City are Genotropin by Pfizer, Omnitrope by Sandoz, Norditropin by Novo Nordisk, Nutropin by Genentech, Humatropen by Eli Lilly, Serono Saizen, Humatrope and Tev-Tropin by Teva. 

HGH Shots are available in vials with powdered somatropin, in refillable pens for HGH injection, or disposable cartrdige pen devices (Somatropin Auto-Injector Pens and Somatropin Kits) specially design for Human Growth Hormone therapy. The advantage of these type of growth hormone medication delivery methods is that the are very convenient to use and virtually pain-free.
  • Genotropin  - Pharmacia Upjohn NDC Codes (0013-2626-81, 0013-2646-81, 0013-2649-02, 0013-2650-02)
  • Miniquick Pen - Pharmacia Upjohn - 5mg and 12 mg 
  • Norditropin - Novo Nordisk NDC Codes ( 0169-7703-11, 0169-7703-21, 0169-7703-91, 0169-7703-92, 0169-7704-21, 0169-7704-92, 0169-7705-21, 0169-7705-92, 0169-7708-21, 0169-7708-92)
  • Nordiflex Pen & FlexPro Pen
    FlexPro  Pen: 5mg/1.5mL, 10mg/1.5mL, 15mg/1.5mL, 30mg/3mL;
    NordiFlex Pen: 5 mg/1.5 ml, 10 mg/1.5 ml and 15 mg/1.5 ml
  • Humatrope - Eli Lilly NDC Codes (0002-7335-11, 0002-7336-01, 0002-7349-01, 0002-7554-01, 0002-7555-01, 0002-7556-01, 0002-7618-01, 0002-7619-01, 0002-8147-01, 0002-8148-01, 0002-8149-01)
  • Humatropen - 6mg, 12mg, 24mg
  • Omnitrope - Sandoz NDC  Codes (0781-3001-07, 0781-3001-26, 0781-3004-07, 0781-3004-26, 0781-4004-36, 0781-4014-71, 0781-4024-72)
  • Omnitropen - Pen 5  in 5 mg, 5,8mg & Pen 10 in 10 mg  
  • Nutropin - Genentech NDC Codes (50242-043-14, 50242-073-01, 50242-074-01, 50242-075-01, 50242-076-01)
  • Nutropin Pen - 5mg, 10mg, 20mg
HGH Injectable Pens (Somatropin Devices) - Human Growth Hormone Therapy and HGH Injections

HGH Injectable Pens in NYC. Somatropin Growth Hormone Pens are available for sale in NYC. HGH pen device delivery methods include NordiFlex Pen, Flexpro Pen, Nordilet Pen, Humatropen, MiniQuick Genotropin, Nutropin NuSpin™, Omnitrope HGH Pen 5 & 10, Humatropen, Tev-Tropin Tjet and others.

How is HGH taken? 

HGH injectables are administered daily in the fatty tissue or as subcutaneous injections. Somatropin Growth Hormone Injections are administered differently from Testosterone Injections. HGH injections are Sub-Q or subcutaneous shots whereas injectable testosterone are IM or intramuscular shots.

Somatropin (rDNA origin)  Growth Hormone Dosing:  Human growth hormone is  typically measured in IU (international units) and mg (milligrams).

1 ml of HGH solution contains 10 mg somatropin. 1 mg of somatropin corresponds to 3 IU of somatropin.

Since 1 mg equals approximately 3 IU, 1 IU equals approximately 0.33 mg somatropin.

Typical HGH Dosages for Therapy.

2-3 IUs – is the typical dosage for age-management purposes, treating menopause and Andropause symptoms, and improvements of skin, muscles, bones, joints and faster healing. Low dose therapy below 3 IU can produce beneficial anti-aging effects with little to no side effects. With 2-3 IUs, patients can notice a progressive improvement in their metabolism, body composition, muscle tone,  body fat, bone strength, hair, nails and skin. Patients also experience increased energy, libido, improved mood, memory and sleep. Hormonal imbalance symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, anxiety and extreme fatigue subside.

4-8 IUs – is the typical HGH dosage for fat reduction and building lean muscle mass. With higher doses, the risk of unwanted side effects increases. Patients may experience edema or water retention characterized by mild swelling in their fingertips, toe tips and face.  Joint pain and particularly, carpal tunnel syndrome, in which pain occurs in the wrist are common at high doses of the hormone.

8-16 IUs – is the typical dose for the bulking muscle mass desired by bodybuilders and athletes, an un-approved use of the hormone. Side effects such as numbness, tingling, headaches, joint or muscle pain and bloating from water retention are common side effects of taking too much growth hormone.

Where to get HGH Injections in NYC

The best place to get HGH in NYC is from a licensed Hormone Replacement Therapy Physician, Endocrine Doctor or Age Management Specialist with experience prescribing Somatropin, the injectable HGH used in Bio-Identical HRT.

How Much Do HGH Injections Cost in NYC?

HGH Cost in Manhattan NY

HGH injections cost depends on your Somatropin Treatment Prescription. Injectable HGH Pricing is based upon brand, dose and method of administration. In the USA, HGH is only prescribed for those with a genuine medical need and lab testing, medical assessment and continuous medical monitoring is required making this form of hormone therapy among the most expensive.  The cost of an HGh Therapy Program can range from $800 to $3000 a month on average for injectable HGH using FDA-approved Somatropin. 

To learn about Low Testosterone Treatment in NYC, visit Testosterone Injections NYC. Growth Hormone impacts both men and women's sexual health because hormones play such a pivotal role in libido and function. Menopause symptoms can be caused by low T and Low HGH levels, Read more about FSD Female Sexual Dysfunction

Men are also impacted directly by low HGH and Low T levels during Andropause.  Male sex hormone deficiency can also cause erectile symptoms and. For Men's Sexual Health solutions including ED Treatments, visit Trimix injections NYC.
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